Founder’s Story: Are your mirrors truly safe


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The cause

In the summer of 2012, Stefan was leisurely sitting on the couch reading a book when he suddenly heard his wife screaming “Aah!” What happened? Stefan dropped his book and ran to the bathroom without putting on his shoes. The mirror broke, the mirror pieces scattered all over the place, and it also pierced his wife’s foot.

I believe many people will encounter similar problems in their daily lives. After Stefan bandaged his wife’s wound and cleaned up all the pieces of mirrors, he heard his wife complaining,”What kind of broken mirror is this, it’s only been used for a few months and it’s already broken.” Stefan thought of his lovely daughter and son and was afraid of how upset he would be if it was his child who was injured.


Stefan stayed up all night thinking: for the safety of my family, I need to find a safe mirror, or failing that, I’ll make my own. The next day, Stefan started to take action. He started by reading a lot of literature and materials and searching for a lot of information about mirrors. He spent three days studying them. Immediately after that, he started to study the original mirrors made of different materials.

Through understanding, he learned that the original Chinese mirrors can be divided into two kinds according to their materials: aluminum mirrors and silver mirrors. Silver mirrors have a bright surface and, high density of mercury, are easy to fit closely with the glass, not easy to get into the water and moisture, and can be used for a long time, so the waterproof mirrors sold on the market are mostly silver.

Aluminum mirror to the aluminum layer is easy to oxidation, the mirror is dark, and the aluminum layer and glass fit are not close, if the edge of the joints is not tight, moisture will enter from the gap, and water will peel off the aluminum layer, the mirror is easy to deformation, the use of time, the price is also lower than the silver mirror.

In that case, go for the best: a silver mirror. Then Stefan started to go to the market to buy silver mirrors, and he realized that the best lenses were not silver mirrors either, but more advanced ones: copper-free silver mirrors. It has a longer service life and is more environmentally friendly than ordinary silver mirrors! So Stefan bought a piece of copper-free silver mirror home to do experiments.


The Mirrors’ Twist

On the way home, Stefan was very happy,”Finally I can let my family use a safe mirror”. Unexpectedly, at this time, the roadside rushed out of a takeaway electric car. It crashed right into the mirror, and the copper-free silver mirror was shattered. “It’s a shame, but fortunately people are fine.” The delivery man rode away on his motorized cart, leaving Stefan where he was. He thought: the mirror was so good, how could it still be broken?

“There must be some other craft I’m not aware of,” Stefan thought. He locked himself in the house for another three days. His wife was very upset with him and didn’t want him to torture himself. He reassured her that I had to do this for the safety of my family. He ran around the market for another week and finally found something amazing.


This time he went ahead and purchased copper-free silver mirrors and placed them properly in his workroom. He bought two more sheets of blast film. First, he put the blast film on both sides of the mirror. After that, he put on his coveralls, hat, mask, gloves, and helmet and started whacking the mirror hard.

This time, he found that although the mirror was broken, the pieces of the mirror did not splatter everywhere, but were sandwiched between the two sheets of blast-proof film. Stefan was overjoyed that he had finally found the secret to preventing cuts from mirrors, and he could finally protect his family properly again. He happily called his family to share his joy. Neighbors also came to congratulate him and expected that if Stefan had time to help them modify the mirrors in their houses, they would do the same.

Stefan thought: if all the neighbors can use this mirror with explosion-proof film, then everyone can avoid being scratched by the mirror. So Stefan quit his stable job and started to build his workshop to make copper-free silver mirrors with explosion-proof film for everyone.

In 2014, with technology and intelligence entering people’s homes, people are no longer satisfied with a mirror that is just an ordinary mirror. Business was getting harder and Stefan kind of missed his old stable job. He stayed in his studio, looking at the copper-free silver mirror with explosion-proof film, it was getting dark, and his wife turned on the light for him, Stefan suddenly had an inspiration, if I put LED lights on the copper-free silver mirror with explosion-proof film, wouldn’t it be more convenient.

So he immediately placed an order for a safe and environmentally friendly 2835 120 LED light bar on Alibaba. After waiting for three days, finally received the LED light bar, so he began to study how to install the LED light bar. How to connect the circuit? Does it need a switch? How to make the strip more beautiful? At the same time, his good friend also provided him with some good ideas: such as Bluetooth function, time, temperature display function, and so on.


The End

In 2015, Stefan started his factory and company, dedicated to making his smart LED mirror with explosion-proof film available to as many people as possible, by this point, you must be asking, who is this Stefan? Yes, that’s right, he is the founder of BFY, and the story above is also the journey of discovery of his smart LED mirror with blast film. He and his friends, led by all the friends of the company, have been following the original idea until today.

After reading this post, do you want to rush to see if the mirrors in your home are safe? Are the mirrors in your home copper-free silver mirrors? Do your mirrors come with explosion-proof film? If you want to know how to screen the mirror with explosion-proof film, contact us, we use professional tools to do the test for your home’s mirror.

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